Problem Solving in Customer Service
One time I had an issue with my ATM card and called the bank. I decided to go to the bank physically after trying to gelp help on call. It was a simple problem to resolve but it eneded up taking so long. Mostly such issues come down to customer service training.
It does not matter if your business offers a service or a product, client issues are inevitable. It could be at the point of inquiry, delivery of the product/ service or after sale service.
A majority of companies in Kenya have not taken the initiative to have their team go through customer service training and as a customer service manager, you cannot be the one who handles all the issues that come up.
So how prepared are your customer service representatives, to handle problems as they come up in the day to today running of your business? Has your team gone through staff training?
As a company, it is important to ensure that the team involved in handling customer issues, has the right skills. In addition, ensure that they go through customer service training to equip them to handle issues as they come up.
Effective Communication while handling Customer Issues:
Problem solving goes hand in hand with customer service. Regardless of where the issue emanated from, as an organization, you have an opportunity to either create a pleasant customer experience or a negative experience that may harm your business.
This article reviews four important steps required in problem solving.
1.Listen and Understand the Customer’s Concerns
As a business you will experience different kinds of clients. Some will be calm others quite vocal, they may rant, probably even be loud.
It is therefore important that the customer service representative handling the client’s problem, is able to listen keenly, exercise patience. This encourages the client to explain their issue fully.
2. Analyze and Establish the Customer Problem
From the feedback given by the client, the customer service personnel may want to make some follow up questions to fully understand the issue. But before that, apologize and validate the customer’s concern so that they feel heard and seen.
The key in identifying an issue is in asking the right questions. You may have to paraphrase what the client said to ensure you understand the problem so that you are able to identify how and where the issue came from.
In doing so, the client will appreciate you taking time to understand and confirm the facts.
In asking questions, you will also be able to establish if it is a new problem or a recurring issue. It also helps in understanding the underlying cause of the problem and how the issue raised affects the customer and what they want the company to do in regards to the issue that they have raised.
3. Offer a Solution to Customers
For a business, customer service exists in order to help clients with their problems and attend to their needs. It is therefore important that the company’s customer representative is able to offer a solution that best suits the customer.
The staff helping out the customer, needs to display their desire to assist by keeping a positive attitude and having a calm tone of voice. This will go a long way to even calm a very agitated customer.
Sometimes, you may not have a solution for the issue raised at that particular point. However, always try to offer the closest solution. If the issue is the company’s fault, then as a business you need to remedy the situation immediately and this may also require you to go the extra mile.
For instance, if a company offers transport services and they missed to pick up a client; other than apologizing, they may offer a complementary trip on an executive vehicle the next time the customer makes a booking.
At all stages of trying to find a solution, ensure to keep the client informed by discussing with them your proposed remedy while keeping an open mind to accommodate changes. Where necessary, involve the Service Manager to the problem in a manner that appeases the client.
4.Implement the Solution and Make a Follow Up with Customers
Implementation is a key part of problem resolution. It is not enough to just propose a solution; the customer care agent needs to also make a follow up with the client. This shows the client you care about their satisfaction.
Making the initial follow up is a proactive move in that you are checking to see if the remedy offered actually worked.
Document solutions offered for new issues for future application like tech related issues.
Sometimes, solutions offered may not necessarily mean they will work. It’s however best to proactively check in with the customer. When the customer does the follow up work they get more dissatisfied.
Keep in Mind…
Do not leave customer complaints unresolved!

Most businesses will lose their customers simply because they don’t feel hear and cared for. Sometimes, companies may take too long to resolve an issue. When a customer has to keep following up on an issue raised their patience will eventually run out. They will then stop patronizing your brand and even share their horrible experience to others.
This could be very detrimental to the lifespan of a company especially now in the era of social media. Promptly resolving a customer issue makes them happy and they tend to be repeat clients despite prior issues.
Customers who are happy with complain resolution are likely to give a referral. The ability to pinpoint an issue helps the business in avoiding a recurrence of the same while implementing preventative measures.
For an organization to run efficiently, it is important to consider having a well accessible document, consolidated with probable issues. These are issues that may arise in the day today running of the business. The document needs to articulate the solutions to the mentioned issues. This will enable the customer care team to promptly resolve issues as they come up.
Are you confident that your team is handling customer issues in a timely and efficient manner?
Sufficiently equipping your customer service team with the necessary skills to handle problems that may come up?
If not, you want to consider reaching out to Customer Centric Kenya. We offer tailored and comprehensive Customer Service Training in Kenya

Over the last 16 years, Jackie has built a remarkable career in Customer Service in different capacities and industries.
As a Customer Experience Trainer, her mission is focused on helping businesses make more and retain more customers through unrivalled Customer Experience.
She has an in-depth CX understanding that stems from personal experiences, learning & research all fueled by my passion and commitment to see customers happy and organizations thriving.
She is the Co-founder, CEO, and Senior Consultant at Customer Centric Kenya, the consulting and training firm of choice.
Her tailor-made training-approach has been a key strength. The companies she has worked with have appreciated some key aspects:
→ The well-researched and packaged modules.
→ The depth of training and tailoring.
→ The applicability and follow up.
If You Want to Stay Current with The Latest Customer Service Insights, News, Trends and Predictions, Join her Newsletter.
To Book or Get More Information on Training write to us:
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One comment
Rachael kinyanjui
August 17, 2022 at 9:34 am
This is so helpful thank you for the knowledge.